It was only a month into her new school and we had an opportunity to get Alexia into a small private school that I've had my eyes on for some time now, so we took it. Alexia started MCCS yesterday and has transitioned great. **For you locals, it was nothing against CHE, we just thought this was better for us at this time.**
Alexia already had a friend in her class who met us at Dunkin Doughnuts for a special first day breakfast and showed her how to get to the class from carpool. Her teacher is extremely energetic (she has to be - she has 4 boys) and Alexia is drawn to her magnetic personality. We are thankful to have her there where she can learn about God and Christian basics. I will be glad to have her home earlier (7 1/2 hour days were killing her). Anyway, I think she looks adorable in her new uniform that she loves wearing!
I LOVE your uniform, "Buddy"! So glad things went well for your 2nd "First Day in Kindergarten"! Hooray for "Dunkin Donuts", too!
Love you!
oooh I love 'schooliforms'!
Glad you were able to find just the right place for Alexia! I have my eyes open for just the right place for Piper too...she's in forst year pre-school but it's never too early to look!
That really IS a cute uniform! Mmmm...Dunkin Donuts sounds so good right now. :)
I love the uniform! My neice is in the Fulton County Science Academy and looks adorable in hers too. I know you (and Alexia) will love the shorter days and Christian atmosphere. Nathan is in a 1/2 day Christian kindergarten but no uniforms. :( They're so cute.
You look so "Ivy League" little Miss Alexia.
You look so grown up!
Love, Aunt Cherilyn
I am glad this worked out. She looks so cute!
I almost gave up on your blog since you had not posted in like two weeks.
Who left that last post - was that you Laura H??
NOOOOO!! I would never give up on you for not posting for two weeks!!! I didn't post the whole summer. VERY curious about CHE.... Email me!!!!
She looks so cute! Glad that things are working out and hope to see you soon!
She looks adorable! I am glad that the new school worked out and that you feel more comfortable with it. I have always thought that whole day kindergarten was a long time for 5 year olds.
Alexia- You look so cool! I wish I could've had a uniform like that. I hope you make some great friends this year.
Love- Whitney (for Trey, Madeline, and Sean)
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