Friday, September 12, 2008

One More Week

Warning: This may be a wordy synopsis of the past weeks - it's nothing exciting, just a quiet night to post.
The day after Alexia's party, my otherwise clean garage that we normally park 2 cars in, turn into this...

Pretty ugly huh? It is everything that has been stored in our attic for the past 4 1/2 years. I would hate to see what another 5 years could add! So, we have been sorting, packing, soon to have a garage sale and getting rid of what is left. It has not been fun. In the mean time, we had 7 lookers at our house last week and an open house, so the inside of our house was in tip top shape. It just has taken a few days to get all of our "stuff" out of hiding - hehe. I had to remember that I shoved a clean load of laundry from the sofa to the washer at a moments notice, b/c the dryer was still full. How is a pregnant brain supposed to remember all that?
Speaking of pregnancy, with the gestational diabetes, I am figuring I just have a little over 6 weeks until the baby comes. We still have to move next week. There is no sweet little nursery set up with the bed all made and blankets neatly folded in a matching basket. I will have to work on the other kids rooms first since the baby won't know any different. I am just hoping I can physically hold out until it's all done. I was chatting with my aunt this morning and told her I was "over it". I just want that "Easy" to appear and everything is finished and done with. Except that means I will be adding the newborn to the mix of carpool and errands - am I really ready for that? Or should I savor six more weeks of continuous sleep from pure exhaustion? In the words of little Caleb - aye aye aye!!
I am not discouraged. This will all pass (in about 6 months!) AND as long as the house sells. But, at this rate, I will be doing sporadic updates. I will try to get together something for the name game, I did think that would be fun, so don't discount me entirely! I'm still here (or there, I don't know which.)


Unknown said...

Cant wait to hear about the name game

Emily said...

Sorry you're stressed - hope things level out soon!!

Anonymous said...

prayin' for ya.

love, cher

Mimi said...

You're doin' fine, "mama"!!! You are gracefully being a wife, mother, daughter, sister,daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, packer, mover, nurse, ,neighbor, friend, carpool queen, and probably more that I haven't thought of!!!!! Cut yourself some "slack"!!

Amie said...

Came through Ni Hao Yall..

Did I see that you are paperchasing and you are pregnant with #3?? How wonderfully fun!!!

Congrats on all your many blessings!


Gail said...

Hoping your house sells very soon, and things calm down...

Anonymous said...

Aunt Betty says....whew! All that you are doing makes me tired!!! Try to stay calm....everything will be fine in the end....You're doing great!

Love to all,

Ashley said...

hang in there....may peace and blessings surround you.