Thursday, October 16, 2008

My dorky husband

Since my husband Erik doesn't get enough air time on this blog, I'll go ahead and give him a full post dedicated just to him! For those of you that have been reading the name game comments, if you read Erik's "guesses", you see a glimpse of the sense of humor I fell in love with many years ago that I still roll my eyes at. He is a dork. Who else rides around with a "Reagan/Bush '84" bumper sticker on their car? No joke, he put it on a few weeks ago.
My children have been subjected to learning nursery rhymes in gangsta' rap style - because he thinks it's funny to hear them rap it back to him. If you ever want to hear it in person, just ask the kids, I wouldn't even post a video of it on my blog for fear of misrepresentation.
He has also taught our children how to dance the Robot, the Grandfather clock and other ridiculous 80's dance moves. He even inspired this family picture at my grandmother's 90th birthday a few years ago (yes, there are some other dorks in the family as well)

Those who know him well, love him. I love him real well despite him being a goofball and turning our children into future goofballs. I shudder to think what he will be doing to or teaching our new little one soon. So here's your post honey maybe I gathered a little pity out of it!!


Stephanie said...

OH WOW! Did you really just post a picture of me doing the robot? Yes, yes you did. Thanks a lot ;)

Maybe I should photoshop this picture for you so it is just a close up of Erik. haha.

Okay - cute post. Horrah for Erik!

Katy said...

oh no you didn't...

Oh well, it still makes me laugh to see us doing the robot and yes, Erik is one of THE funniest people I know.

And Yes, Steph, you should photoshop this!

Anonymous said...

It is pretty easy to see who the amateurs in this photo are.
I do offer lessons for only $75 hour or $50 per hour per person for groups of 3 or more.

I am so nutty I am going to end up in a nut house someday.


Anonymous said...

Aunt Betty, I definitely need to be around Erik more ..... laughs would be (or ARE) good for you!

Mimi said...

It is certain that your children will inherit "dork" tendencies with it coming from both sides of the family! (By the started in the "Amick" side of the family!)

Emily said...

Yes I agree Erik is funny. :) Y'all make a great couple, and I'm sure VERY interesting parents!

Anonymous said...

Nancy (mimi) is soooo right! The dorkiness does indeed come from the Amick side......and I should know, I'm married to one (an Amick that is).

Aunt Marlene

Anonymous said...

My sweet baby brother. Yes, he's always been able to make his favorite sissy laugh. We almost got in trouble several times, esp. in church when he would make me "lose it" laughing.

He's definitely a day-bightener. Love you, brother & I'm so glad I'm not in that photo!! Anyhow the dorkiness skipped me, and landed on the 2nd born. No one handles it with more pizzaz!!


Mar said...

Love the post! I will never forget some of the junk he said that usually left me cracking up. Then there was the time I asked Erik for a reference/character comment when I was looking for work way back when and he compared me to a patato. Umm... maybe that's why I didn't list him as a future reference. ;)

So Crissy, is your child one of those in that Visa commercial where they have the three kids in the hall at school doing their little walk/dance/whatever it is... then says something about, "Being around friends that understand you - priceless"?

You guys are awesome! Wish there were more of your types out there!