Monday, January 10, 2011

1-10-11 lil' shopper

Our new grocery store has these little mini-shopping carts that Lydia loves to push. While it slows me down a little (think "no, Lydia, I don't need any mint chutney today, please put that back") it really cuts down on the battle of staying in a cart and bribing with unlimited snacks. She cracked me up today and got a lot of attention in her get-up. She is in her princess tutu pushing around her baby doll while holding a "phone".


Mimi said...

She definately cracks ME up, too!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Betty THAT is adorable! I'm sure she got lots of comments. I like that you let her wear her dress-up to the store!

Hugs to all!

leslie gabbert said...

Oh my goodness! That's just too cute!

leslie gabbert said...

Oh my goodness! That's just too cute!