Friday, June 29, 2007

My Happy Place

From all the readers that actially post, I know that the majority of the people who come here are from my cyber adoption community and many I have never met. However there are some family and my "real-live" friends that visit as well. Lately I have been torn posting things because of personal reasons. Let me put it this way...

Who doesn't love to look at pictures? They are ALWAYS of good times, smiling faces, and happy moments. No one takes a picture of their kids fighting (or fighting parents for that matter). I don't recall ever seeing a parent snapping a shot of their child in the middle of a temper tantrum. However, we know those moments in life happen. They are not shared for the world to "enjoy," but, preserved in memory only.

This is the way I kind of feel about my blog. It's a good place to post happy thoughts and pictures. However, my family and I are going through a bit of rough waters right now. Sometimes I want to say something fun or happy, but feel a bit awkward about it because we are having to take such a serious approach to life right now. I don't want readers to assume life is always cheerie and rosie for me or anyone all the time. IT'S JUST NOT.

So for that reason, let me say I enjoy showing fun, happy times that we have, because we do have a lot of them. But, I am one blogger who can say that we have trouble times as well. This blog is one of my "Happy Places" and I will no longer feel guilty posting all happy posts here!! (Can I say "happy" one more time?) Thanks for letting me express some guilt here. Please know that we are a strong family, we trust God. We are just on a little detour in life we did not plan to take. Prayers and good thoughts would always be appreciated. More HAPPY posts to come!


K. said...

Also, you've been tagged! See my blog for details, but no pressure!


Unknown said...

Sorry that you have hit rough times. That is as much a part of life as the happy times. I whine all the time about the adoption wait on ours, and ask for prayers. Make whatever post you want.

I'll be honored to pray for you and your family.

Katy said...

Hey Sis- Out of all the blog addresses you send me to, I love yours the best! :-) I'm glad that your blog is an honest fun page where I get to see my happy niece and nephew!

Rubber Ducky Chronicles said...

I appreciate your honesty and realness. Prayers for you and your family!

Mimi said...

Well said...Let us not let our trials rob us from the joys of life!!!!

K. said...

I don't know what happened to the rest of my comment! It started in the second paragraph! Therefore, the "also" might have appeared strange. I might have hit something wrong and deleted, as I am always hitting wrong buttons here!

What I did say was something to the effect of- I am sorry you are going through rough times, and I totally understand about the not so happy times. I don't like to post about them either and we go through them as well. I think it's good to have a happy place, so to speak, and good to recognize the good even during the bad. I hope all turns out as God intends.

Then I said something about a little distraction of lots of chocolate and telling silly facts about yourself...which led me to the "'ve been tagged."

This has shown me that I have to READ the comment after I have posted it to make sure it's right.
Hope your weekend has been good.


Angie said...

Thank you for being so open and honest. I just realized all of the posts on my blog are "happy" too...oh well...I guess it is just more fun to blog about those things!
I am sorry to hear that you are going through a trial right now. I will pray for your family. May God give you His comfort and peace that passes all understanding.

mandt said...

I think we all like to post the "happy" parts and just ignore the "not-so-happy" parts. I have whined a few times on our blog (mostly about the wait) and come close to deleting them, then feel guilty. I'm sorry about ya'll's rough time now. You guys will be in our prayers. Let us know if we can be any help. I'll see if I can get a good shot of Nathan in the middle of a tantrum next time -He can have some doosies. ; )

Cher said...

I'm HAPPY you're my sister-n-law!!

Praying for you, of course!

Love, Cher