Sunday, July 1, 2007


Fire truck and "oopsies" this oughtta be a good one! Today we were standing around after church talking with one of the pastors in the foyer. I was holding Caleb on my hip and then turned to see what had been holding his attention behind me (which was only a wall and outside door). I gasped when I realized he had pulled down the fire alarm bracket. There were no loud noises (yet). The pastor laughed it off and tried to push it back up. He was the one who looked guilty when the alarm began at that time.
After a few minutes of finding the shut-off and people resuming their conversations (with some ringing of the ears), I was standing at the door with the kids waiting for Erik. THEN a firetruck pulled up! Caleb got all excited and started yelling "truck, truck!" I guess someone waved them on because they immediately pulled away - to which Caleb continued to crack me up by saying "bye-bye truck!"
All was "forgiven" (pardon the pun) and since we are in a brand new building, the pastor we were talking with thanked Caleb for initiating the fire alarm. - Nice way to leave your mark Caleb!!


Mimi said...

Well, we know the alarm system works now! Caleb knows how to get a truck to pass by now! How cute is he? ALL BOY and WONDER>>>

Angie said...

Too cute!! least he got to see the fire truck which is what little boys live for anyway..right?

K. said...

That is so cute! I think we have to applaud his curiosity and initiative!